My hope is that this series will offer my readers a chance to consider the names, characteristics and descriptions of our God in the Word.

The remaining Names of God in this series might be considered descriptors, or characteristics of the Lord. We have reviewed the three primary Names of God, along with nineteen compound Names of God in our previous posts. As we venture through these descriptors of our God, I hope we will recognize all the many characteristics of our God that we tend to take for granted.

The Word is truly rich with descriptions of the Living God, and this effort of searching in the Word was quite illuminating. He truly is the ultimate subject of the Word, and His revelation of self-descriptions, or the accolades offered Him by His priests, prophets, kings apostles and faithful truly is a blessing.

May the Name of the Lord be praised, and by thinking on His name, may you have a blessed day.

Titus 2:13 waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,
Our Blessed Hope.

Jesus is described as our Hope.

Hope is a term in our culture that may mean anything from a wish (I sure hope I get a Maserati for Christmas) to a sense of desperation (Mary is so sick now we only have hope).

The Bible uses this term differently, for when we see the word “hope”, we are to think of a joyful and confident expectation. This term is also associated with a pleasurable expectation, an experience of goodness and joy.

So when Titus adds the modifier “blessed”, he is strengthening the base message of a pleasurable expectation for the one hoping. He is describing Jesus, the subject of the hope, and not merely the experience of the one having the hope.

Jesus is the Hope of the believer, and what a great promise to look forward to. Yet Titus goes one step further, reminding us that He is the Blessed Hope.

Consider the implications of using the term blessed in relation to this description of God. To be blessed speaks of satisfaction, to be fully satisfied, to be in a happy condition. He is blessed and due His being in a blessed blessed condition at His coming, we should also reflect on this truth. If He is blessed (happy) at His coming for His saints, how does that change the way you think of that coming day? When He appears, He will be in a blessed condition, in a joyful attitude as He rescues us.

Do you see His coming in that way?

Is He your “Blessed” Hope?

Is there an anticipation of His arrival or is His delay acceptable to you?

Jesus is our Blessed Hope

I would love to hear of your favorite name, characteristic or description of the Living God. Please leave me a comment, and I will include it in the list!

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