As many who have followed me for a bit, I have fallen into the Psalms, and I can’t get up! (As if I would want to.) The Psalms are a majestic collection of poetry, of heart felt human experiences that constantly challenge me in my own frail attempt to follow the true King. As many of the Psalms were written by David, my Psalms for Psome study has spurred me on to looking at the life of David, and to following the victories and tragedies of the shepherd King of Israel.

Many times in the narrative, we will see the Lord Jesus, imperfectly, yet a reflection of His spirit may be found in David, a man exposed for us to wonder at, to identify with and to gain warnings from.

In my initial research, I discovered an introductory snippet, that encapsulates David’s life as a central character in the Old Testament narrative.

Of all the lives in Scripture, David’s is the only one that is exhaustively examined from the time of his childhood to his death. It is an open book like no other. Even his state of mind is revealed in the Psalms, like a diary open to our review. How would our own lives look if subjected to this type of scrutiny? I am humbled to consider that the day is coming when all the hidden things of my life will be revealed. For that reason alone, we should be kind to the memory of David, recognizing in him many of our own failings and weaknesses, but also admiring his strengths.

William H Gross, 2005

David is an amazing soul, that we will do well to learn from. Although his life covers both books of Samuel, and the beginning of 1Kings (with supplemental information provided in the books of the Chronicles), I propose to venture through his life using the topics found in the table below. Of course as I get into the details of this man’s life, I anticipate I will need to create multiple posts for singular topics.

A listing of future posts I hope to share with my readers follows and may be downloaded for personal study at your leisure.

 SubjectScripture PassageAprox Date
1Saul Chosen, Anointed and Proclaimed to Be King1 Samuel 9:1-15,16, 10:1,18-19-241040 BC
2The Lord Rejects Saul1 Sam. 15:10-281030 BC
3David Anointed King1 Samuel 16:1-131025 BC
4David in Saul’s Service1 Samuel 16:14-23, 17:151023 – 1015 BC
5David and Goliath1 Samuel 17:1-581020 BC
6David and Jonathan’s Friendship1 Samuel 18:1-51020 BC
7Saul’s Jealousy of David1 Samuel 18:6-161010 BC
8David Marries Michal1 Samuel 18:17-301008 BC
9Saul Tries to Kill David1 Samuel 19:1-241007 BC
10Jonathan Warns David1 Samuel 20:1-421006 BC
11David and the Holy Bread1 Samuel 21:1-91006 BC
12David Flees to Gath1 Samuel 21:10-151006 BC
13David at the Cave of Adullam1 Samuel 22:1-51005 BC
14Saul Kills the Priests at Nob1 Samuel 22:6-231005 BC
15David Saves the City of Keilah1 Samuel 23:1-141005 BC
16Saul Pursues David1 Samuel 23:15-291005 BC
17David Spares Saul’s Life1 Samuel 24:1-221005 BC
18The Death of Samuel1 Samuel 25:11005 BC
19David and Abigail1 Samuel 25:2-441005 BC
20David Spares Saul Again1 Samuel 26:1-251004 BC
21David Flees to the Philistines1 Samuel 27:1-121004 BC
22Saul and the Medium of En-dor1 Samuel 28:1-251000 BC
23The Philistines Reject David1 Samuel 29:1-111000 BC
24David’s Wives Are Captured1 Samuel 30:1-151000 BC
25David Defeats the Amalekites1 Samuel 30:16-311000 BC
26The Death of Saul1 Samuel 31:1-131000 BC
27David Hears of Saul’s Death2 Samuel 1:1-161000 BC
28David’s Lament for Saul and Jonathan2 Samuel 1:17-271000 BC
29David Anointed King of Judah2 Samuel 2:1-71000 BC
30Ish-bosheth Made King of Israel2 Samuel 2:8-11998 BC
31The Battle of Gibeon2 Samuel 2:12-32998 BC
32Abner Joins David2 Samuel 3:1-25998 BC
33Joab Murders Abner2 Samuel 3:26-30998 BC
34David Mourns Abner2 Samuel 3:31-39998 BC
35Ish-bosheth Murdered2 Samuel 4:1-12998 BC
36David Anointed King of Israel2 Samuel 5:1-16997 BC
37David Defeats the Philistines2 Samuel 5:17-25993 BC
38The Ark Brought to Jerusalem2 Samuel 6:1-4992 BC
39Uzzah and the Ark2 Samuel 6:5-15992 BC
40David and Michal2 Samuel 6:16-23992 BC
41The Lord’s Covenant with David2 Samuel 7:1-17992 BC
42David’s Prayer of Gratitude2 Samuel 7:18-29992 BC
43David’s Victories2 Samuel 8:1-14982 BC
44David’s Officials2 Samuel 8:15-18982 BC
45David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth2 Samuel 9:1-13982 BC
46David Defeats Ammon and Syria2 Samuel 10:1-19981 BC
47David and Bathsheba2 Samuel 11:1-27980 BC
48Nathan Rebukes David2 Samuel 12:1-15980 BC
49David’s Child Dies2 Samuel 12:16-23980 BC
50Solomon’s Birth2 Samuel 12:24-25979 BC
51Rabbah Is Captured2 Samuel 12:26-31979 BC
52Amnon and Tamar2 Samuel 13:1-22978 BC
53Absalom Murders Amnon2 Samuel 13:23-33976 BC
54Absalom Flees to Geshur2 Samuel 13:34-39976 BC
55Absalom Returns to Jerusalem2 Samuel 14:1-33974 BC
56Absalom’s Conspiracy2 Samuel 15:1-12972 BC
57David Flees Jerusalem2 Samuel 15:13-37969 BC
58David and Ziba2 Samuel 16:1-4969 BC
59Shimei Curses David2 Samuel 16:5-14969 BC
60Absalom Enters Jerusalem2 Samuel 16:15-23969 BC
61Hushai Saves David2 Samuel 17:1-29969 BC
62Absalom Killed2 Samuel 18:1-18969 BC
63David Hears of Absalom’s Death2 Samuel 18:19-30969 BC
64David’s Grief2 Samuel 18:31-33969 BC
65Joab Rebukes David2 Samuel 19:1-8969 BC
66David Returns to Jerusalem2 Samuel 19:9-15969 BC
67David Pardons His Enemies2 Samuel 19:16-43969 BC
68The Rebellion of Sheba2 Samuel 20:1-26969 BC
69David Avenges the Gibeonites2 Samuel 21:1-14968 – 966 BC
70War with the Philistines2 Samuel 21:15-22965 BC
71David’s Song of Deliverance2 Samuel 22:1-51965 BC
72The Last Words of David2 Samuel 23:1-7965 BC
73David’s Mighty Men2 Samuel 23:8-39 
74David’s Census2 Samuel 24:1-9964 BC
75The Lord’s Judgment of David’s Sin2 Samuel 24:10-17964 BC
76David Builds an Altar2 Samuel 24:18-25963 BC
77David in His Old Age1 Kings 1:1-4962 BC
78Adonijah Sets Himself Up as King1 Kings 1:5-10962 BC
79Nathan and Bathsheba Before David1 Kings 1:11-27962 BC
80Solomon Anointed King1 Kings 1:28-53961 BC
81David’s Instructions to Solomon1 Kings 2:1-9961 BC
82The Death of David1 Kings 2:10-12961 BC

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