In the mid nineties, I had a little red Buick and a big ol’ bass box in the trunk, and would listen to “Christian Rock”, cranked to 11.

(What did you say?  Huh?  Can  you say that again, I didn’t hear you….)

I have gotten away from that genre for many reasons, the least of which may be a loss of hearing, but some songs have stuck with me over the decades.

The artist’s I listened to sought to reflect Scriptural teaching for the most part. They ranged from “preaching” pop culture religion to significant theological teaching. As I listened to the lyrics, I found some to be quite challenging.

To be honest, I listened because I could justify the rock beat with “sanctified lyrics”.

Occasionally I will post a song, supply the lyrics and make a comment or two. If you decide to listen to the tune, turn the speaker down unless you are already deaf. Some of the songs tend to have a certain “volume” about them!

This post will consider the song Drown – by Grammatrain.

These guys only lasted a few albums and that is a shame. I find myself going back to them even after decades of first hearing of them.

Take a listen!

Drown – by Grammatrain

my spirits take me to another place
i never have to know my real face
in my brown bag i know i cannot die
my sour breath to you will testify
hey man do you wanna drown
while your bottle drinks you down
(i hear you say) save me, save me
hey man do you wanna drown
my treasured poison, you control my days
you spin my life while i forget my name
i’m in a prison of my own demise
see no escaping through my red-lined eyes

Let me know what you think of the lyrics, and of the tunes!

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5 thoughts on “Song Squawk – Drown

    1. Now that you mention it, I would agree this song is not edifying, but speaks of inner struggles we all have to face. I identify with it being a teenage alcoholic and my addictive nature. Only Jesus was able to deliver me from drowning!!
      Thanks for the comment.


  1. Love It ….

    It’s amazing how certain songs from that era still hold so much meaning. ‘Drown’ by Grammatrain really captures a struggle that’s universal yet deeply personal. The rawness of the lyrics and the intensity of the music always hit home for me.


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