Jesus in the Old Testament – Absalom 6

Jesus in the Old Testament is a series of posts that will offer my readers a chance to consider pictures or shadows of Jesus in the Old Testament. As mentioned in the introduction to this series, some may be obvious, some may be not so obvious, and some may simply be a facet of the Lord those reading may not have considered previously.

I hope as we venture through this series, we will see the Lord in many wonderful pictures throughout the Old Testament.

Pierced in the side
2 Samuel 18:14
Joab said, “I will not waste time like this with you.” And he took three javelins in his hand and thrust them into the heart of Absalom while he was still alive in the oak.
John 19:34
But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water. …

Both Absalom and Jesus suffered the piercing of the side to ensure their death.

Both Absalom and Jesus suffered this at the hands of their enemy.

Both men were struck in the heart by a piercing.

It is said that the spear entered Jesus side and pierced the heart, and this can be seen by the blood and water that flowed from His side.

Both men were pierced while helpless to defend themselves. One of them never expected this type of death. One of them fought to undergo this humiliation.

It is truly amazing that we have a Savior that would be so humbled, even to the point of being identified with a man such as Absalom.

Or myself.

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