For this series in Philippians, I am going to limit each post to one verse, and hopefully produce a short, succinct read for my friends who follow.

3:20   But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,

Paul has been comparing true believers with those who have become enemies of the gospel, those who have taken the teachings of the grace of God and turned them into license to chase after the base desires we all are susceptible to.

Each person on this earth is dragging about the desires of the old man, those desires of self satisfaction, earthly confidences, material abundance and high reputations in this world. It is the natural way of a darkened heart.

The blessing those of us that have decided to follow Jesus is that we have choice in this battle with the old man. The reason we have choice is because we belong to a different world, and we have our citizenship in heaven.

Citizenship has rights and responsibilities, and as a Canadian who has taken on the privilege of American citizenship, I readily admit that where you decide to claim as home has a bearing on your relationships, attitudes and obligations.

As Paul reminds us of our heavenly citizenship, he does not tell the Philippians to renounce their earthly citizenship of being in a Roman colony, which definitely had its perks! No, but he does prioritize the heavenly citizenship.

And based on our citizenship, we have the obligation of obeying “the law of the land”, or in other words, to walk after the principles the Lord laid out for His followers while on this enemy planet.

One of the principles that has been challenging myself is the forgiveness we are to exercise to those who have hurt me or my loved ones. This is not in my base nature and I need to ask Him for help with this very obedience.

Do you have a struggle you are experiencing? Hopefully, for only dead people do not struggle!

Reach out to Him and seek His strength, His grace and His kingdom.

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