For this series in Philippians, I am going to limit each post to one verse, and hopefully produce a short, succinct read for my friends who follow.

3:16   Only let us hold true to what we have attained.

Paul has just described his advancement in the gospel, careful to inform the Philippians that he had not that I have “already obtained” or was “already perfect” back in verse 12.

He has then went on to describe his state of being in the Christian life, careful to inform his brothers that he hasn’t “made it” yet. That he has growth to go through.

As mentioned in verse 13, he is focused on forgetting and straining. Forgetting what lies behind (accomplishments and failures) and straining forward to Christ likeness. He is in the process.

In verse 16, he is reminding the rest of us that we are in process. This process of moving forward includes holding onto the progress already achieved.

This is a practice that is not to be ignored. How often have I been diligent in my studies, and then got lazy? How often have I sought to pray more and then followed some other goal? How often have I sought to be a peacemaker, and then gossip about a brother? How often have I sought to serve, and then in the midst of service, been distracted.

My friends, Paul is asking us to hold true to those characteristics of Christ that we have already assimilated into our lives. To practice the heart of God in day to day interactions with those we rub shoulders with.

As I consider this short verse, I find it holds a great challenge. A good question to consider might be…

Have you maintained what you attained?

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