Paradoxical Passages – Matthew 23:11

Matthew 23:11

The greatest among you shall be your servant.

As many who read this blog are believers, to see this verse is to simply accept it at face value. We have accepted it since it is in the Word and not been shocked as the disciples must have been when they first heard it.

Considering the original audience, it is a paradox, and in trying to understand the message as the original hearers, – well – it is a difficult saying!

It just didn’t make sense for me, and, as a paradox is wont to do, it took me outside of my usual way of thinking.

I suppose the easiest way to understand this paradox is the throw myself under the bus. It isn’t the saying that is the problem but my false concept that to be great means to accept the world’s definition of greatness. My nature is such that I to want to have power over others, and that power over others somehow is evidence of greatness in my life. To be over someone, to have someone serve me, can be heady, it feeds the pride, makes my self estimation blow up, and allows the self deception of my own importance grow.

So why is it that power over someone makes me think I am of more worth, have greater value, or simply am a “better” person. If we consider some of the most powerful men in history, they have been despots, dictators that have taken their power over others and abused it, causing suffering and death. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

Jesus’ truth in this verse, if considered in the opposite, shows the truth of His statement. Those who have had the more “servants” have actually become lesser people, loosing moral guidance and ethical anchors, their very souls to the drive for more power.

Yes, this verse is a paradox, but only due to my upside down thinking of what it takes to be great. As we watch those who have incredible power over others in this age, we must remind ourselves that they have lost everything in order to gain this temporal condition. They are truly to be pitied, for they have fallen for a lie, and will suffer due to their success!

If we seek greatness (an imitation of Christ in us), the only path is through service to others. 

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